Nov. 28th, 2016

Recognizing the outstanding work that the SYTA Youth Foundation undertakes for students and youth through travel experiences and scholarships, the International Motorcoach
Group (IMG) today announced a five-year commitment to the Foundation.
Bronwyn Wilson, President of IMG, said: “We have watched with admiration the work and continued efforts of the SYTA Youth Foundation for many years. IMG member companies wanted to expand their outreach to the student community and it felt right to contribute financially to the Foundation. Our commitment is long term, as we join the Chairman’s Circle of contributors, and that simply reflects our confidence in SYTA and the Foundation. Today being Give Back Tuesday, gives us pause to think of those that we can help and we are delighted to be able to make this contribution”
“We are so thrilled by the support of IMG and its members for the SYTA Youth Foundation (SYF). IMG is the first association and allied member to pledge at the Chairman's Circle level. IMG's commitment over the next five years will truly change the lives of deserving youth through travel. In addition to their pledge of financial support, individual IMG members also provide transportation and in kind support for SYF education programs. The Foundation could not exist without the support of organizations like IMG”, SYTA and SYTA Youth Foundation, Executive Director, Carylann Assante said.