The NEW 2024 Travel Resource Guide released by IMG
A must for every planner of transportation, the new 2024 IMG Travel Resource Guide has been released.
Providing extensive information about the IMG networks’ 53 member companies, the publication has important information, clearly presented, to those booking and contracting motorcoach transportation. Gateway cities, fleet information, vehicle types, contact details and much more.
Additionally, IMG provides via their relationship with the Global Passenger Network (GPN), access and information about international motorcoach providers who also focus on the same values as IMG operators.
“We know the value this publication provides to both consumers and travel professionals as they plan future travel. Easily available online, the Travel Resource Guide is really the go to publication when you want to know more about your transportation provider. And ALL IMG member companies own and operate their own vehicles and have the utmost commitment to training, safety, maintenance and customer service excellence”, said IMG President, Bronwyn Wilson.
To access the online publication: https://imgcoach.com/bus-travel-resource-guide/online-trg